2021 Goals & Me: Lets get moving

We’re back guys and girls! It’s another day, another blog!

We spoke recently about what’s been going on in 2020, and more so about 2021’s goals!

So let’s kick things off with some goals around fitness, and leading a healthier lifestyle

In March of this year I made a promise to myself that during lockdown & whilst being furloughed from work I would use the daily exercise period we were allowed to go for walks, and do my best to get some exercise in

Along with this I downloaded My Fitness Pal, gave myself a calorie target that would result in a deficit and tracked the food I ate

I had some great results and I went from 245.7lb starting weight to where I currently sit at around 205-209lb a loss of around 35-37lb at present, all of this with out going to the gym or doing any thing over the top strenuous in regards to exercise!

My weight loss during lockdown

With that in mind, in 2021 I want to really push this to the next level and add in a whole new way of thinking and going about it!

With the goal to be to join the gym and get regular sessions in, accompanied by more stricter dieting

Now I don’t mean I’ll be eating dry chicken, broccoli and rice for every meal, but I will be focusing a bit more on the macros behind my calories and adjusting the goal for these to compensate for the added workouts to help with building lean muscle as opposed to just stripping away my whole body 🤦🏻‍♂️

Lately I have given up a bit on the fitness, and I believe the Gymshark 66 could be a catalyst to get back to the motivation levels I had and really work on getting to my original goal of 50lb + in weight loss

I also know as soon as I’m back in the gym that I’ll enjoy it and it will again give me more motivation to get the job done

So what are my actual goals for 2021? With the GymShark66 starting January 1 and running through till March I have started with a goal lasting around the 3 month period

To hit the 50lb lost mark by March 1st, starting January 1st!

By January 1st I’ll be at around 35lb lost so far I imagine, so that means I’ll be looking to lose at minimum 15lb over a 3 month period, of course this only equates to 5lb per month & I know a healthy amount to lose is upto 2lb per week

So why not set my goal higher??

50lb lost will take me to about 195lb, once this is done I will look at creating my next goal, however, I do not want to go for 2lb for week as once back at the gym I would look to judge it more on eye and how I look in the mirror and how I feel within myself at the time and I do believe 50lb will be more than enough to get to a point I’m extremely happy with

Within my goal I will set my self targets and mini goals around getting things done

Starting with from January 1st again I will aim to do the following things

• Calculate and track my food intake, posting weekly updates and accountability diaries on line

• Attend the gym 2-3 times per week during the initial 3 months to get back to training

• Run/ Walk at minimum 3 miles x 3 times per week! Again this will be at a minimum and will look to be increased as we move forward

This is all about slow and steady changes that will be sustainable in the long run to create not only a healthy and better 3 months but to promote and create a healthy lifestyle moving forward

Current Physique after a few weeks of relaxed calories & going into Xmas

How will I stay motivated?

One thing I found is that during the lockdown period and in the past I have been more motivated when creating some accountability!

This blog gives me that, each week I will update the blog probably on a Sunday evening as before with how the week went, the calories I was aiming for, the amount of exercise done, the weight lost or gained and progress pictures

This will give me that sense of accountability as I will not want to be posting online my failures as opposed to my successes

For now I plan on enjoying the festive period, no doubt eating my weight in turkey and roasties & enjoying some time with family before really getting into the swing of things

As mentioned previously all of my progress will be documented on my Instagram account which is @J_Drage

There are prizes available for the #GymShark66 challenge which is added motivation as it would be nice to say I won something doing this challenge but of course this is a bonus and not something I am focusing too hard on

I will be sure to have an initial picture posted over the next few days of my starting point for the gymshark66 challenge on instagram as this needs to be done by the end of the month

If your looking to take part then let me know, and we can motivate one and other on our journeys

For now stay safe, stay positive, and stay festive

Published by Drage162

Hi Everyone, I’m Jack, I’m 32 from the UK and welcome to my blog Follow my journey as I travel through different stages in life creating a better future for myself and my family Along the way you can take a look at my weight loss progress including how I’m achieving my goals, my weekly reviews & my future plans I’ll take you through my finances! The good, the bad & the ugly as I work to go from £9500 (as of Feb 2021) in debt with no assets to debt free and something to show for myself I have ups and I have downs, days I feel like I can achieve everything and days where I’m not motivated at all but I’ll document that and look to inspire you guys to achieve your goals too Let’s smash 2021 and make it the year we really take control of our lives and set the foundations for an amazing future ♥️

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