The end of 2020 is near! What’s the plan going into 2021

Hey Everyone! I hope your all doing well? Staying safe, positive and making the most of your final weeks of what has been a strange, strange year!!

With December flying by, and it now only being around 10 days until Christmas followed sharply by the new year i thought why not dust off the iPhone Notes section & write a new blog! After all it has been a good few months since the last one

I noticed over the last couple of weeks that people have been liking and following the blog, and it made me appreciate that though I don’t always have time to write a blog, or anything to say, people still read and relate to what I am saying which is amazing!

So let’s take some time today, and reflect on what has happened this year, and create some goals for 2021 & Beyond!

For me the year started bright and looked like it was going to be a good one, of course that all changed! It’s still been a good year but it’s not quite been as I planned!

At the beginning of the year I was working in the hospitality sector, I had just taken on some extra responsibilities in the wedding planning department of the hotel/ pub I was working at and it was looking like I would soon be moving to Events Manager

With COVID coming in, furlough, events being postponed etc it all then looked rather bleak and as if nothing was happening, at this point a message on Linked In led me to a phone call about an exciting opportunity to get back into retail

More money, more hours, more chance to progress and for me with a family more stability and job security at this time! I smashed the interview process beating out 50 people, only to be told I had the job, but it would have to wait as the company could no longer accommodate the role due to covid

Long story short 2 weeks later they are on the phone to the recruitment agency saying they want me ASAP and have moved people around the business to get me started! I haven’t looked back and have enjoyed every minute of the new job, and I have ambition to progress to the next level as soon as I can

Of course this year had its downs, but we turn’t them into positives! I was furloughed for 16 weeks from the middle of March and used this time to get back into fitness, taking daily walks and eating better losing around 39lb so far in 2020 with the goal to lose a lot more next year

The question now is where do we go from here? What’s the plan for 2021?

Firstly, we’ll be kicking off the year taking part in the #GymShark66 challenge!

For 66 days you attempt to create a new mentality and lifestyle around your goals, posting twice weekly on social media, my via will be to continue my weight loss journey and get to the 50lb lost mark whilst getting back into the gym and starting to work out once again

Please be sure to follow me on instagram for al my progress @j_drage

With my new job this year I plan in 2021 to continue to grow and learn as a deputy store manager to a point where people can trust me and know that I am the guy to go to with issues within the store

Making a name for myself and having the people higher up know my name so that I am thought of for future promotions! The next step being an assistant store manager, I want to get there in the next 2 years

Of course the money, debts and everything in between is still something I’m focusing on, and I have been working hard to pay this down!

In 2021 we plan on becoming debt free, with my new job paying a lot more than previously & with the added overtime etc I will be looking to make 2021 a huge year in terms of getting to financial freedom

It’s going to be a journey, it’s going to be tough, we’re going to have to put in the hours, & the hard work! I’m going to have to strive to smash my goals, put blood, sweat and tears into everything as they say but I will get it done!

Over the next week I’ll be posting up a few short blogs that will go through what my individual goals are, how I will be looking to achieve this and anything that may relate to these!

The goals will be related to health & fitness, work, finance, and around my life

I hope that you are all with me during this, and would love to hear from you guys and girls in the comment section & in the comments on instagram

I know that this year has been a tough year for so many of us, and i want everyone to know my DMs are open on all socials if anyone needs to talk about anything

For now have a great day, stay safe, stay positive & let’s get excited for the festive period

Published by Drage162

Hi Everyone, I’m Jack, I’m 32 from the UK and welcome to my blog Follow my journey as I travel through different stages in life creating a better future for myself and my family Along the way you can take a look at my weight loss progress including how I’m achieving my goals, my weekly reviews & my future plans I’ll take you through my finances! The good, the bad & the ugly as I work to go from £9500 (as of Feb 2021) in debt with no assets to debt free and something to show for myself I have ups and I have downs, days I feel like I can achieve everything and days where I’m not motivated at all but I’ll document that and look to inspire you guys to achieve your goals too Let’s smash 2021 and make it the year we really take control of our lives and set the foundations for an amazing future ♥️

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